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Evento Terminado

4th Annual APEEN Conference


UBI - Polo IV


Quinta-feira, 17 de Outubro de 2019 às 09:00 →
Sexta-feira, 18 de Outubro de 2019 às 19:00

Sobre o Evento

The University of Beira Interior (UBI) welcomes the 4th Annual APEEN Conference on Energy Demand-Side Management and Electricity Markets to be held on October 17th and 18th, 2019. The conference is organized by the Department of Management and Economics and GAPEER in association with APEEN – Associação Portuguesa da Economia da Energia and will take place at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of UBI.


Early Registration (until September 18th)

Preços por participante

4th Annual APEEN Conference

350 €

4th Annual APEEN Conference

300 €

4th Annual APEEN Conference

175 €

4th Annual APEEN Conference

200 €

4th Annual APEEN Conference

150 €

4th Annual APEEN Conference

75 €